More FIX on the NET @ FIX University Cultural Campus
Welcome to Spring Semester 2013
Hi Everyone!
I really enjoyed reading your excellent discussion threads on the lecture material this week! I'll try and discuss some of them in my screen-side chat later tonight.
(1) **Please remember to register for peer assessment training!** (see prior announcement)
(2) Also, I wanted to let everyone know **we are leaving Week 1 lectures and quizzes up until next Friday** in case new students need extra time getting started.
(3) We posted the in-video quizzes in stand-alone formats so people downloading the lectures can complete them - **Each week, you only need to do the in-video quiz OR the stand alone quiz** (and both are graded % complete, not % correct).
I've been reading your discussion threads and am impressed with the quality of dialogue! Several of you have rightly remarked that it's overwhelming to keep up with all of them. I am told that's typical of a highly active forum in its first week.
I have a few ideas on how to improve the organization of the discussion forums as we go forward. First, I will create a new forum for general discussion every week much like we have for the lectures (so "Week 2 General Discussion", "Week 3 General Discussion"...). That way we can drop old issues and topics so as to focus on current ones. If you have an old thread you want continued, then just summarize the prior conversation and restart it as a new thread. Second, I want to encourage everyone to use "Tags". Tags are basically keywords or topic-labels that you affix to your thread. If enough of us do this, then we can search by those tags to see all the posts concerning each topic of interest. Third, I will soon set up a new forum on "Shared Resources" where we begin some threads compiling information on various topics of interest: e.g., free case write-ups; other readings on organizations; etc.
Organizationally yours,
I really enjoyed reading your excellent discussion threads on the lecture material this week! I'll try and discuss some of them in my screen-side chat later tonight.
(1) **Please remember to register for peer assessment training!** (see prior announcement)
(2) Also, I wanted to let everyone know **we are leaving Week 1 lectures and quizzes up until next Friday** in case new students need extra time getting started.
(3) We posted the in-video quizzes in stand-alone formats so people downloading the lectures can complete them - **Each week, you only need to do the in-video quiz OR the stand alone quiz** (and both are graded % complete, not % correct).
I've been reading your discussion threads and am impressed with the quality of dialogue! Several of you have rightly remarked that it's overwhelming to keep up with all of them. I am told that's typical of a highly active forum in its first week.
I have a few ideas on how to improve the organization of the discussion forums as we go forward. First, I will create a new forum for general discussion every week much like we have for the lectures (so "Week 2 General Discussion", "Week 3 General Discussion"...). That way we can drop old issues and topics so as to focus on current ones. If you have an old thread you want continued, then just summarize the prior conversation and restart it as a new thread. Second, I want to encourage everyone to use "Tags". Tags are basically keywords or topic-labels that you affix to your thread. If enough of us do this, then we can search by those tags to see all the posts concerning each topic of interest. Third, I will soon set up a new forum on "Shared Resources" where we begin some threads compiling information on various topics of interest: e.g., free case write-ups; other readings on organizations; etc.
Organizationally yours,
The Best College Radio Stations
Dear FIX,
Welcome to Week 2 of Organizational Analysis!
This week's class introduces some basic models of decision making, and Graham Allison's application of organizational theories to the Cuban missile crisis. This seminal work is what got me interested in organizational theories. I loved the way he provided a richer understanding of the case with each additional theory he applied to explain the phenomenon. His book on the matter is even more insightful and interesting. I hope his work becomes a model for you as we go through the course and the case materials.
Also, for many of you peer assessment training will begin this week. I hope you enjoy reading papers that apply organizational theories to the cases described in weeks 2 and 3 of this course. If you did not sign up in time for the peer assessment training, don't worry, you will have another chance to sign up and complete it in week 4.
Note: In an effort to control sprawl in the discussion forums, we are offering weekly forums on the lectures and weekly forums for general discussion. We'll monitor as many threads as we can, but we will focus our attention on the threads in the weekly forums that are up-voted the most. Also, please note I will try and start a thread each week in the lecture section by positing one of the core questions about the readings. Please feel free to start your own threads, and especially ones on the particular readings of each week. I will try to respond to those in my weekly screen-side chats.
Thank you for your great enthusiasm and cooperation! I look forward to reading your thoughts!
Best Regards,
More FIX on the NET @ FIX University Cultural Campus
Welcome to Spring Semester 2013
JGB Hall Libray Building: Calle 5 No 24A – 91 / Barrio 3 de julio
'Revuelta Colombia' Dirigido por Octavi Royo Olazaguirre Duración: 30 minutos País: Colombia España Un grupo de locos de la vida se juntan en un autobús y viajan por las zonas más dañadas por el conflicto que sufre Colombia para dar talleres y espectáculos a cambio de sonrisas y vida.
'Mi amigo Diego' Dirigido por Rob Brouwer and Pablo Eppelin Duración: 44 minutos País: Países Bajos Luis Alberto Alarcón, ex miembro de la seguridad del presidente Allende (GAP) decide contar su experiencia en las cárceles y centros de tortura durante los meses siguientes al golpe de estado militar en Chile. Un juez le solicita viajar a Chile para enfrentar en un careo al hombre que le torturó y le ha perseguido en sus pesadillas durante todos estos años.
'Los hilos de Penélope' Dirigido por Colectivo Circes Duración: 50 minutos País: España Tres mujeres de Barcelona deciden hacer un documental en el pueblo de origen de sus amigos donde las mujeres viven en la ausencia de los hombres migrantes durante la mayor parte del año. Inspiradas en Penélope de la Odisea, en su imaginario conciben a las mujeres como tejedoras de un vínculo capaz de orientar el destino de los suyos.
'De luna a luna' Dirigido por Diana Kuellar Duración: 11 minutos País: Colombia De luna a luna cuenta el día a día de dos mujeres colombianas. Por medio de sus historias, el documental intenta visibilizar el exceso de trabajo que recae en las mujeres que a la vez son madres, trabajadoras, campesinas, cabezas de familia y que no cuentan con protección social.
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